Use normal volumes of milk in tea or coffee and re-introduce ‘diet’ drinks again. Replace one Eontu product with a normal meal of 110g (4oz) of skinless poultry, shellfish, white fish, quorn, soya or tofu together with a small bowl of salad comprising of carrots, celery, cucumber, lettuce, mangetout, mushrooms, onion, peppers, radish, rocket, tomato and watercress.


Replace another Eontu product with another normal meal as in day one, so that you now are having two (small) normal meals during day two.


With one of your 2 normal meals add 220g (8oz) of either potato (boiled, mashed or baked with no added fat) or boiled or steamed grain (such as rice). 


Add up to three small servings, eaten evenly throughout the day, of half a cup of raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and cherries.


Slowly and sensibly increase the amounts/volumes and begin to have more variation by adding lean mince and beef, lamb or pork with all fat removed.



During the time you have been replacing all your food with eontu total food replacements, three major changes will have occurred. Your weight has dropped because your body has been consuming your store of glycogen (and releasing the water stored with the glycogen) that bridged the calorie gap between the energy your body needed and the reduced calories you were eating.

Your addiction to particular combinations of excessive levels of fat, salt and sugars (carbohydrates) will now be completely manageable because you have retrained your palate.

The ‘bad habit’ of consuming ever larger quantities of food will have altered quite radically. You haven’t just lost your fat - you’ve also lost the physical and psychological capacity to eat as much, too.

Even so, now that you are coming off your total tood replacement diet it is important that your weight stays right there!

If you launch straight back into foods that are high in carbohydrate such as potatoes, bread, pasta and grains (e.g. rice), after total food replacement your body weight will balloon quickly - by as much as 3-4kilos (7-10lbs).

If you add alcohol immediately you are sure to double your weight re-gain!

This is because your body will attempt to re-store some of the glycogen it consumed when you were dieting.

It is important to understand that the glycogen our body stores contains approximately four times more than its own weight in water, so any immediate weight gain will not be fat but 80% fluid.

Be it fat or not, any amount of weight regain that follows successful weight loss is extremely disheartening. To not ‘pile it on again’ follow these easy day-by-day steps to reintroduce your body to normal foods and levels of carbohydrate again.